think   (2)

英語の辞書(Oxford,Chambers など)では、think のdefiniton (定義、限界,境界)を大体以下のようにしています。
(1) Have opinion : to have a particular idea or opinion
(2) Use mind   : to use mind to consider sth,to form ideas,to try to solve problems
(3) Imagine    : to form an idea of sth, to imagine sth,to expect sth
(4) Expect     :to expect sth
(5) In a particular way : to think in a particular way on a particular subject
(6) Showing anger: used in a question to show that you are angy
(7) Being less definit: used to make sth you say less definite
(8) Intend      : to intend sth,yo have a plan about sth
(9) Remember   : to remember sth , to have sth come into your mind

to work out things,  to reason ;  to form ideas in the mind;  to believe, judge or consider

1 〜の顔つきをする 2  物事の条理を、内容を分別するために心を働かする   3 もくろむ  4 おしはかる、予想する 5 心に定める 6 心にかける     7 愛する 9 過去のことを思いおこす 、、、など
